All posts by chanticleer

Walking Trails Update

Here’s an image detailing the current state of the trail system on the farm, as well as the possible locations of the future trails that will help connect the different sections.

The trails are a great way to use the natural wooded and fallow areas, and if we can successfully connect up the southwest corner of the property, we will be able to enjoy a part of the property that has been largely ignored for a while.

walking_trails(click image to view larger)


Sorry about the sea-sickness inducing camera angle, but here’s a video of some of the trails from March 2014


Cleaning up south fencerow

The southern fencerow has recently begun to get some much-needed assistance in the battle against the invasive Bush Honeysuckle. For those who aren’t familiar with the Bush Honeysuckle: it develops into colonies by spreading underground rhizomes, and can’t be killed by mere mortals. It is extremely invasive, and chokes out all other plants in the area.

The south fence row before clearing

The south fence row before clearing

After the fence row is cleared, we will install a basic wire fence with reflectors to mark the boundary line. Part of the cleared southern boundary line will link up with the trail system when completed.

The chief safety inspector checks on a cleared section of fence row

The chief safety inspector checks on a cleared section of fence row

Snowpocalypse 2014

Due to the polar vortex, we had a serious snowpocalypse on the farm. Here are some good shots of the snow.


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